Monday, January 31, 2011

Receiving God’s Blessings

In my last post, I shared how important it is to fully release our desires to God to truly realize their presence in our life. I want to build on that and talk more about how our failure to release our desires ultimately sabotages their realization.

In "Working with the Law", Holliwell points out that we allow ourselves to release the smaller desires in our life and when they show up we often brush them off as coincidence. But it's really the power of God working to fulfill our desire and because we were able to completely release that thought or desire, God was able to bring it to fruition. It's the bigger desires that we hold onto through doubt and anxiety that creates a wall to receiving God's blessings.

Holliwell writes, "Nothing worthwhile is accomplished. The mind is like a sponge. We squeeze it hard with our anxious thoughts, but not until we can release the pressure and allow the sponge to take its shape can't it become absorbent and receptive again." How many times have we watched someone literally brought to their knees before they start realizing their desires? When we are brought to our knees we are finally saying to God, "I completely hand this over to you, I can do no more". It is then that God can truly provide the abundance and blessings He has available to us. We need to allow ourselves to be completely open to receiving these blessings, letting go of doubt and fear so we can be open and receptive to His guidance, taking action on that which He has divinely arranged for us to lead us towards the realization of that desire.

"Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God." – Philippians 4:7

Friday, January 21, 2011

Releasing Your Desires

I just read a passage in "Working with the Law" by Raymond Holliwell that brought a new awareness to how we can sometimes sabotage our deepest desires.

Holliwell reminds us that we need to dream our biggest dreams and set intentions around those dreams but we then need then to release those thoughts outward to God through prayer believing in full faith they will come to pass. Ours is not to hope but to expect. I didn't realize until reading this passage how often I hold onto my desires. I set the intention but then moments of doubt and fear creep in. How many times have you had a strong desire for something to happen and then find yourself feeling anxiety or fear around that desire? Thoughts start running through your mind creating doubt in its possibility of realization. What if it doesn't happen? How will it happen? What if it doesn't show up in time? These are the very thoughts that are sabotaging our realization of that intention or desire. We need to get to a point where we can fully release our intentions to God in complete faith He will prevail to truly realize the overwhelming abundance He has made available to us. It's so hard to do but it is clear that is what God is asking us to do; to simply release and trust. He reminds us again and again through various scriptures in the Bible that this is how it works. As stated in Matthew 21:21-22, "And whatever you ask for in prayer, having FAITH and BELIEVING, you WILL receive".

What an amazing process God has given us, we just need to learn how to immerse ourselves in that process because once we do, God has promised He will do much more than anything we asked for or ever imagined. Amen!