My kids often tease me about how much I love birds; I find it so peaceful just sitting back and watching them. Well, I'm amused that God has chosen these little creatures to teach me yet again, another powerful life lesson. I guess He knows the connection I feel for them and knows I'll pay attention if the lesson comes through them. As I sipped my coffee this morning, I glanced out our kitchen window to watch the birds and noticed something didn't look right. My heart sunk because I saw a bird not moving on our bird feeder. I assumed the worst and went outside thinking "What a great start to my day, removing a dead bird". But to my surprise, he started fluttering all about as soon as I approached the feeder. His tiny little head was stuck inside and I could only imagine how he felt as he sat there trapped with all these other birds around him helpless to come to his rescue. I reached out to try and gently pull him out but each time, he fluttered around so much that any effort I did to rescue him was to no avail. In essence, he was standing in the way of his own success. I saw a very clear way to release him but he would have to relax and let me lead the way. I then opened the top of the feeder so his attention would be drawn upward and sure enough, he stopped fluttering and just quietly watched me. It was only then that I was able to free him. He popped out, definitely a little stunned and then flew away. I stood there with a big smile on face realizing the amazing message God had just given me through this little bird.
How many times has God tried to help me and move me along in realizing the bigger vision He has for me but instead I flutter about just like this little bird? I don't stop long enough to acknowledge or accept His help. Instead, I stay focused on doing it my way. I'm no different than that bird, wanting to know the next steps but too busy fluttering about to see God clearly pointing the way. It's only when I seek out the calm and silence do I feel His presence and see the way He is leading me to go. I know God has such a bigger vision for us all and we are all often guilty of keeping ourselves so busy and not relying more on God to show us the way. My little interaction with this bird today was such amazing life lesson for me and one I know I needed to hear. This bird taught me the power that resides in just being still. Rescuing that little bird showed me how we often stand in the way of our own success, feeling trapped by our own perceived circumstances and not realizing the way is right there in front of us. I feel so incredibly blessed to have been given the opportunity to experience God's word firsthand. He taught me how to just "be" today and quietly wait for His guidance. All the answers are truly right in front of us, we just need to open up and acknowledge His presence.